Friday, 15 February 2013

Final drafts for Island Man

This is the first frame of the poem. Through the window, there will be blues and yellows to represent a sunny day. The room will be neutral, with bright colours on the poster (the fish) and the duvet. He will be in colour as well, as this will represent how he would be if he were on his island. 
The second frame will be in blues, yellows and other bright colours, as will the third frame. This is because his island is supposed to be visually appealing, and it has to be 'desirable', as this is the place he would rather be.

Frame 4 will be of the 'North Circular soar', which is London. It is shown through traffic. Most of this frame will be grey, with hints of colour on the cars, which will be faded down to show the 'blandness' he feels when he is in London.

 Frame 5 is the same as frame one, however, different because out of the window, it will be different shades of grey, to represent London. His clothing will also be a different colour, to show he is in a suit because of work.
 Frame 6 is 'Another London Day', which is represented by London monuments. It will (hopefully) be in similar colours to what the actual monuments are, however, will be faded down similarly to frame 4.

Thursday, 14 February 2013


Here are some of the draft work for my poems. 

Above is the first initial design for my poem. I used the storyboard designs to do rough drawing, including stick people so I could get an ideas of how I would like my poem to look. 
Here are some of my drawings for island man. I have decided on a cartoon theme throughout the poem. I have used different ones for the traffic scene to show a dramatic difference between the Island people and London, as it is two completely different aspects of his life. 

The difference between London and the Island will also be shown through the use of colour. London will be quite dull with the uses of grey, but the island will have lots of different colours to show the brightness.