Thursday, 23 May 2013

FMP Evaluation

What are the strengths of your self-portrait models?

I’d say that the strengths of my self-portrait models are the little bits of detail. Though they looked good before, they are a bit more distinguishable as me. For example, my lips are quite dry and are sometimes crack, so I added little lines onto them. I also added freckles, and then a blush, which I changed the opacity to make some of the freckles show through. I’d also say that the detail on my Harry Potter Meg. Though they were imported from Google, they do make good detail.

Why are your self-portrait models suitable for the industry?

The self-portrait models are suitable for the industry, mainly because it is a different idea. It would also show a potential employer how you see yourself, and a bit about your interests. For example, from my alter ego, it would show an employer that I like Harry Potter, and that I have a good imagination, as I have managed to make o obvious who the alter ego is, but it also has features of me, for example, my face.

What are possible weaknesses of your self-portrait models?

I suppose possible weaknesses could be that there isn’t much detail in the hair. After making the modes, I realised that it would look a bit more detailed if there were thin lines in the hair, such as the parting to show more detail.
Another potential weakness is that sometimes they are a bit wobbly, and it takes a minute to stand them up.

If you were to do this again, what changes would you make and why?

If I were to make the models again, I would add a bit more detail to the hair on my model. I would also change my outfit on the model, as it looks a little childish (in m opinion). However, I wouldn’t change much about the alter-ego, apart from some more details to the hair.


For the self-portrait models, I started my drawing myself six times. This had me with straight hair, curly hair, and even ‘angry’ at my job. I then coloured my body to represent what I would usually wear: jeans and a variety of tops.
I then added my alter egos. For these, I made myself into Harry Potter, because I love the books, me as an owl, because they are my favourite animal, me as ‘Super Meg’, me as a rabbit, me as a book, because I love reading, me as the devil and me as ‘Little Meg Riding Hood’.
I then chose to make the Harry Potter one and me with straight hair. For the original one of me, I used the paintbrush to create the outline for the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. I then added little details, such as eyelashes, freckles, pink cheeks, and lines in my mouth and owl earrings. I got the owl earrings from Google, and then imported them, however, I decided to find some earrings that I actually own, and wear all the time.
The body looked bare after I had coloured it, so I decided to draw an owl onto the top. I then added a drop shadow so it stood out a bit more. I also added clips into the front of my hair, which is to represent my fringe being pulled back, which is a style I wear my hair in sometimes.
I used the same design for my Harry Potter ‘me’. However, I didn’t make hair around my face, but made a fringe similar to what Harry Potter had in the first movies.
I then made the body black, but added red around the wrists and found a Gryffindor tie and crest from Google. I felt that this would make it more authentic, and I had found it difficult to draw, both in hand and on Photoshop.