Thursday, 23 May 2013


For the self-portrait models, I started my drawing myself six times. This had me with straight hair, curly hair, and even ‘angry’ at my job. I then coloured my body to represent what I would usually wear: jeans and a variety of tops.
I then added my alter egos. For these, I made myself into Harry Potter, because I love the books, me as an owl, because they are my favourite animal, me as ‘Super Meg’, me as a rabbit, me as a book, because I love reading, me as the devil and me as ‘Little Meg Riding Hood’.
I then chose to make the Harry Potter one and me with straight hair. For the original one of me, I used the paintbrush to create the outline for the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. I then added little details, such as eyelashes, freckles, pink cheeks, and lines in my mouth and owl earrings. I got the owl earrings from Google, and then imported them, however, I decided to find some earrings that I actually own, and wear all the time.
The body looked bare after I had coloured it, so I decided to draw an owl onto the top. I then added a drop shadow so it stood out a bit more. I also added clips into the front of my hair, which is to represent my fringe being pulled back, which is a style I wear my hair in sometimes.
I used the same design for my Harry Potter ‘me’. However, I didn’t make hair around my face, but made a fringe similar to what Harry Potter had in the first movies.
I then made the body black, but added red around the wrists and found a Gryffindor tie and crest from Google. I felt that this would make it more authentic, and I had found it difficult to draw, both in hand and on Photoshop.

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